Citizen Corps Monterey County

Promoting Disaster Preparedness & Resiliency

Some question suggestions
*Do you know what to do in the event of an emergency?
*Have you attended any emergency training within the past year?
*For home? *For work? *For an organization you are a member of?
*Do you have a disaster kit?
*Do you have a designated out of state contact for emergencies?
*Does your family have a disaster plan?
*When is the last time you all discussed your plan?

Just some preliminary thoughts...

Views: 42

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These are good! Yes and No with room to expand! Thanks for these- what do others think?
Nice job, lets hope people make a plan, build a kit and practice the plan, take CPR and First Aid. and have a disaster kit for the family pets!

Yes we certainly should have a question about pet/animal preparedness. Maybe a few more common trainings with boxes to check if you've had CPR, First Aid, CERT, ICS-100, Sheltering...

At first glance, I too like the format. I'm also attaching a short questionnaire I was working on earlier this week.

1. If an emergency or disaster occurs, do you have a plan? Yes or No

2. What will you do for yourself or your family to get prepared for a disaster?

I think you all seen the previous questionnaire (From safety day).

Even an ARE YOU READY QUESTION? Short and to the point may be well received.



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