Citizen Corps Monterey County

Promoting Disaster Preparedness & Resiliency

Meeting notes for C3MC 1/11/11 at CHOMP

Good Day Everyone!

We had a really good meeting yesterday at CHOMP- thanks to all who made it out!  For the record the following people were in attendance:  Wendy Walsh, NPS, Horace Allen, MoCo Social & Employment Service, Gilda Estrada, United Way, Art St. Laurent, MPC, Sidney Reade, MoCo Emergency Management, Jay Zwagerman- Monterey & Regional CERT, Tom May, Salvation Army, Jen Valdez, CAL-FIRE, Jorge Ruiz, CCCIL, Jim Hively, CHOMP

Highlights- action items are highlighted and underlined

·         We reviewed many of the awesome accomplishments of the past year.

·         We announced that we have received a 5K donation from MPSC (a company that contracts with NPS to support the Center for Homeland Defense & Security)  We will use that to reimburse Mike for the envelopes which will be distributed at the next meeting.  Mike was absent so no official treasures report was provided

·         We talked about the annual report and help needed to make it happen.  An annual report subcommittee was formed (Wendy, Horace, Sidney, Jen & Karen) Wendy will schedule a meeting to be held at the EOC this month.

·         Sidney shared with us the activity of the Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program- she has been working with a contractor, Russ Patterson to complete our Donations Management Plan.  She is coordination our local plan as well as serving on the regional committee.  There is good participation in this plan development from government, NGOs and the private sector. She did express that there is a bit of a challenge in the validation process for plans.  Sidney also reported that she did a ‘ride along’ in San Bruno from a donations management perspective- they have received an abundance of donations!  This experience highlighted the need to educate people on how to donate to disaster victims.  C3MC can play an active role in providing this education.

·         We decided to hold off on the process of elections for C3MC officers until Feb.  We would like to leadership of Dave Crozier to facilitate this process and he was not in attendance at the meeting.   It was shared that we should come up with job descriptions for officers.  Gilda will forward the job description template from the UW and may be able to have an intern help us populate them.

·         We talked about the meeting time and date and decided to explore the second Wednesday of each month 1000-1200. Wendy will call a few key members and see if this time works for them.  Wendy will send out a date and location schedule with a point of responsibility named to verify space is available.

·         Wendy conveyed the following focus area for the Council in 2011- Spring- Constituent Impact, Summer- Local Assistance Center Capability, Fall- National Preparedness Month and Winter- Winter Storm Conference

·         Wendy conveyed the following focus areas for the Leadership Team- Spring- Recruitment, Summer- Materials/Resources, Fall- Media/Agency Recognition and Winter- Annual Report

·         We discussed the importance of this body in networking and it was recommended that we bring others from our agencies to this meeting

·         We briefly discussed using our funds for guest speakers, recognition programs or an award for a preparedness contest for our local schools

·         Sidney announced that there will be a statewide tsunami exercise March 24- Several C3MC agencies will be participating and she encourages more  She also shared with us the opportunity to attend the Functional Assessment Service Team Training this February 9-10 in Santa Clara.  She will be sending more information out soon.

·         Gilda announced that UW is holding their 35th annual community service awards February 17th- nominations are due on the January 12th.  Please contact her for more information or you need help nomination.

·         Jim announced that CHOMP is hosting a partnership meeting with NPS January 18 to learn more about each others’ capabilities and to look for opportunities to collaborate.

The meeting was adjourned slightly after noon!


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