Citizen Corps Monterey County

Promoting Disaster Preparedness & Resiliency

Japan response efforts from the FEMA private sector office

Private Sector Friends,


As most of you know, the response and recovery underway in Japan exceeds the authority of the Stafford Act and FEMA is not in the lead and does not have an official role.  But we do have experience.  We do care.  And many of our partners like you are deeply engaged.  We acknowledge that with our deepest respect and appreciation.  It is in that spirit that I want to pass along the following that was shared with me this morning. 


“With Our Eyes Turned to Sendai, this information is also posted as a blog post on

As we watch with shock and profound sadness the tragedy unfolding in Japan and across the Pacific rim in the wake of the Sendai earthquake, our hearts and sympathies are with the families affected and their loved ones around the world.  Both personally and professionally, we are deeply sensitive to the challenges now facing that region.   

There are many incredible initiatives out there that are actively engaged in the response efforts, working with volunteer technologists and citizens alike to channel their concern into action.  We know they would welcome your help. “  These are just a few that we are aware of:

 The Crisis Commons Volunteer Community

Crisis Mappers Net: The International Network of Crisis Mappers

OpenStreetMap (OpenStreetMap Japan)

Ushahidi (in Japanese)

Google Crisis Response (English)/(Japanese)

Microsoft Disaster Response

Yahoo!: How to Help

Please feel free to share widely.  Thank you for what you do.




Dan Stoneking

Director, Private Sector

Office of External Affairs

Federal Emergency Management Agency

500 C Street, SW

Washington DC 20472

W: 202-646-2925

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