Citizen Corps Monterey County

Promoting Disaster Preparedness & Resiliency

Support Community Emergency Response Volunteers this year through Monterey Gives!

Please Support Our Big Idea

The Community Emergency Response Volunteers of the Monterey Peninsula (a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt non-profit organization) announces that it is one of the selected recipients of the 2012 Monterey County Weekly’s Monterey Gives Program.


Emergency/Disaster incidents do occur. EVERY dollar people give to our BIG IDEA (see below) will get a match from the Monterey Gives Program.

And, if we have the most people “giving something, no matter how small, we could get an extra

$1,000 to help support emergency preparedness for ALL and our CERT programs.

Fundraising Drive began on November 8, 2012 and will end December 31, 2012.


PLEASE pass this notice along to everyone in your neighborhoods, friends and families and consider making a donation yourself.


Go to Monterey Gives Website.

Scroll down to Health Wellness and Food. Community Emergency Response Volunteers is 4th on the

list (between Central Coast HIV and Everyone’s Harvest).

If you would prefer to mail your contribution, you ca print out the form and mail it with a check payable to the Monterey County Weekly Community Fund. MAIL TO: Monterey County Weekly, 668

Williams Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955.

If you have questions AND/OR if you have some ideas about how to get the word out, please contact Sarah Blackstone at 831-649-3050 or Sharon Dwight at 831-375-0841.


The Big Idea: Tsunamis, earthquakes, wildfireslucky us, we have to worry about all of the above here on the Monterey Peninsula. When the next emergency strikes, our elderly neighbors will be at the greatest risk. The newly formed CERV wants to step up the quality and quantity of both individual preparedness and community response readiness on behalf of the community’s elderly citizens. The nonprofit says it will launch this new initiative in concert with local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programs to help local seniors respond to natural or manmade disasters and emergencies.

Neighbors in Need: Older Americans are often the hardest hit when Mother Nature is at her worst. Our

project will take immediate action to help ensure that more of our elderly neighbors do not suffer the same pattern of neglect, lack of readiness and resources that have been so tragically documented in recent disasters.

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